Andy Roberts

Auto Technician
Auto Diagnostics
Vehicle Maintenance


  • Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology from Pittsburg State University, specializing in vehicle diagnosis and repair.
  • Experienced auto technician with five years of hands-on experience in the automotive industry.
  • Passionate about making complex auto repair concepts accessible and understandable for car and pickup truck owners.


Andy Roberts brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the world of automotive technology. With a solid educational background and years of practical experience, Andy specializes in diagnosing and fixing various vehicle issues. His writing focuses on helping US-based car and pickup truck owners understand and solve their auto problems by themselves. Andy believes in demystifying automotive repair by breaking down complex problems into manageable parts. This approach simplifies the problem-solving process and empowers vehicle owners with the knowledge and tools they need to tackle challenges head-on. While Andy has primarily focused his career on hands-on mechanical work, he is now channeling his expertise into writing to reach a broader audience. His goal is to make a leading source of reliable, easy-to-understand automotive repair information on the web.


Andy holds a Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology from Pittsburg State University, where he gained comprehensive knowledge and skills in vehicle diagnosis and repair. This solid educational foundation, combined with his extensive practical experience, makes Andy a trusted authority in the automotive field.

Personal Interests

Outside of his professional life, Andy likes to study about different cultures and our shared global history. This broad perspective enriches his approach to problem-solving and communication, allowing him to connect with a diverse audience.

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